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Alberta, British Columbia
$42 million
(Under construction)

Increased broadband access for underserved Indigenous, rural and remote communities

CIB financing will close an infrastructure gap by connecting underserved households.

Fast facts

Will deliver high-speed internet access to 10,000 households, including 2,350 Indigenous households
CIB’s financing enables broadband connectivity to more quickly expand in unserved and underserved communities
Investment coordinated under Canada’s Universal Broadband Fund

Broadband service is critical to the daily lives of Canadians. It is essential for our quality of life, connecting us to business, health care, education and to family and friends.

The CIB is collaborating with communications technology company TELUS to accelerate the delivery of high-speed internet projects in Indigenous and rural communities in Alberta and British Columbia.  

The deployment of new, reliable broadband services will improve many facets of people’s everyday life. It is an absolute necessity for everyone in Canada to fully participate in the digital world. 

Benefits of CIB Involvement

Due to the low population density and current lack of broadband infrastructure in remote areas, the cost of connection per household is very high and not commercially viable. Our innovative solution with low financing rates will allow these projects to be delivered more quickly and at a lower cost.     

Learn more

Internet cables plugged into a receiver