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FLO EV Charging Network

Green Infrastructure
Across Canada
$235 million
(Under development)

Investment increases public access to fast electric vehicle (EV) chargers

Partnership will help close the EV charging infrastructure gap by bringing approximately 1,900 fast charging ports online.

Fast facts

Reduces transportation sector emissions
Increases access to public charging infrastructure
Full deployment to be completed within four years

We are collaborating with FLO, a leading North American electric vehicle (EV) charging network operator and provider, to enable the installation of approximately 1,900 public fast charging ports. FLO’s expanded network will be installed within four years at nearly 400 sites across Canada, including in areas currently underserved by EV chargers.

FLO will collaborate with site hosts to install the chargers along qualifying transportation corridors and in urban and suburban communities with populations greater than 20,000.

Benefits of CIB’s Involvement

An investment under the Charging and Hydrogen Refuelling Infrastructure (CHRI) Initiative addresses the barriers to large-scale private sector investment in this sector, including uncertainty in the rate and pace EV adoption.

By accelerating and expanding the private sector’s rollout of charging infrastructure, the partnership accelerates EV adoption and reduces transportation sector emissions.

Learn more

Electric vehicle being charged by a FLO fast charger
A FLO ultra charger in a winter landscape
An EV being charged at a FLO public charger lot
FLO’s new Ultra chargers

With about 2,000 universal public fast charging ports* currently in Canada, this extraordinary partnership comes close to almost doubling the number of public DCFCs across the country. We are pleased to have a lending partner like the CIB and look forward to working together to accelerate the expansion of fast and reliable EV charging, which is critical to Canadian EV adoption.

Louis Tremblay, President and Chief Executive Officer
Government of Canada

We’re making electric vehicles more affordable and charging more accessible where Canadians live, work and play. Investing in more EV chargers, like the ones announced today across Canada, will put more Canadians in the driver’s seat on the road to a net-zero future and help achieve our climate goals.

Hon. Jonathan Wilkinson

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