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South Kaien Logistics Park

Trade & Transportation
Port of Prince Rupert, B.C.
$60.7 million
(Under Construction)
Metlakatla Development Corporation and Prince Rupert Port Authority

First Indigenous-led logistics facility in British Columbia

Will create new, long-term economic opportunities for Metlakatla First Nation 

Fast facts

Converts land near port into serviced lots in advance of a logistics facility
Logistics facility will increase trade volumes, expand storage and transit times at the port
First port investment under the Indigenous Community Infrastructure Initiative (ICII)

We are investing in a second project at the Port of Prince Rupert.

The South Kaien Logistics Facility’s first phase will see greenfield lands converted into two serviced parcels totalling approximately 56 acres on which platforms will be constructed and ready for the tenants’ built-to-suit facilities. Site preparation work consists of heavy civil construction, organics removal, embankment construction, foundations and concrete work. 

This project is part of Metlakatla First Nation’s (MFN) long-term economic vision and that of Metlakatla Development Corporation (MDC). 

MDC will benefit from long-term and stable stream of own-source revenues once the facility is complete. It also provides the ancillary Indigenous benefits of creating and sustaining direct and indirect jobs for MFN members and other Indigenous people in the Prince Rupert region – many of which are already employed within this trade corridor.  

Benefits of the CIB’s involvement

The project falls within the CIB’s Trade and Transportation sector, which supports stronger, more efficient corridors to domestic and international markets and helps Canadian businesses compete and grow. 

 CIB’s ICII financing reduces the equity requirement for MDC, allowing it to retain a 75% interest in a large port project while still benefitting from its strategic partnership with Prince Ruport Port Authority. 

Learn more

Drawings show how logistics facility will look after built in Phase 2 of the South Kaien project.
Aerial view shows the South Kaien land at the Port of Prince Rupert that is being prepared for development.
Government of Canada

The CIB’s investment in the South Kaien Import Logistics Park will support the ongoing transformation and growth of the Fairview Container Terminal, enhance the port’s export capabilities, and provide the flexibility needed to become a full-service gateway in Prince Rupert. Under the leadership of the Metlakatla Development Corporation (MDC), this project will create more jobs for the Metlakatla First Nation and local Indigenous communities, and energize the regional economy.

Hon. Nathaniel Erskine-Smith
Government of Canada

As one of Canada’s most vital gateways, the Port of Prince Rupert plays a key role in keeping our supply chains strong and resilient. With this investment, our Government is delivering on our commitment to strengthen trade corridors, grow our economy, create jobs, and support communities across the country.

Hon. Anita Anand
Metlakatla Development Corporation

MDC acquired the South Kaien lands in fee simple in 2019. We envision these lands as an integral part of the Prince Rupert Gateway and other commercial uses. However, SKILP is step one: MDC plans to develop the remaining 280 acres in subsequent phases to support regional growth and provide economic opportunities for the region and next generation of Metlakatla members.

Harold Leighton, Chief Executive Officer
Prince Rupert Port Authority

This investment is vital to anchoring the Port of Prince Rupert as a full-service trade gateway. The support from CIB enables us to significantly expand logistics capabilities and capacity to increase our competitiveness, while developing long-term economic benefits for First Nations-owned businesses such as Metlakatla Development Corporation at the Port of Prince Rupert.

Shaun Stevenson, President and Chief Executive Officer