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Priority sectors

We are investing in infrastructure to promote economic growth, connect communities and support energy security for the benefit of Canadians. Our infrastructure partnerships are spread across the nation and reflect our priority sectors – Public Transit, Clean Power, Green Infrastructure, Broadband, and Trade and Transportation.

Public Transit
for zero-emission buses, light rail transit, subway, transit-oriented development, commuter rail
Clean Power
for clean power, renewables, district energy, storage, interties, transmission
Green Infrastructure
for energy efficient building retrofits, water, wastewater, carbon capture, utilization and storage, clean fuels, hydrogen, zero emission vehicle charging
for broadband connectivity in unserved and underserved communities
Trade and Transportation
for agriculture-related infrastructure, ports, airports, freight, highways, roads, bridges, tunnels, inter-regional and passenger rail
Indigenous Community Infrastructure
across all priority sectors for projects in partnership with Indigenous communities
Project acceleration
to accelerate project development and early works to shorten critical paths to construction