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First Nations Bank of Canada

Green Infrastructure, Indigenous Infrastructure
Across Canada
$100 million
(Under development)
First Nations Bank of Canada (FNBC)

Unlocking land development projects in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities

Innovative financing product provides Indigenous communities with a comprehensive financing package to accelerate community master plans.

Fast facts

First-of-its-kind risk-sharing loan product with First Nations Bank of Canada
Aggregator financing option for enabling infrastructure in Indigenous communities
Includes site works, roadworks, water/wastewater facilities and utility connections

First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities can now access financing towards enabling infrastructure to accelerate their community development projects, with the process managed entirely by FNBC.

This first-of-its-kind agreement between FNBC and the CIB, will provide Indigenous communities across the country with financing solutions to support economic and community growth through residential, commercial or industrial developments.

Indigenous communities interested in accessing this community development financing, can learn more on the FNBC site.

Benefits of CIB’s Involvement

Indigenous communities’ limited access to affordable capital at flexible terms can constrain, impede or stop the achievement of community development projects.

Through the CIB’s aggregator-style loan with FNBC, Indigenous communities will have access to financing towards enabling infrastructure at affordable rates and flexible terms to unlock development that can support improved living conditions, new economic opportunities and housing.

Learn more

Ehren Bill Hillary
First Nations Bank of Canada head office
Community Development Plan
First Nations Bank of Canada

This new loan program will make infrastructure projects in Indigenous Nations and communities more affordable and allow for more opportunities to develop Indigenous-owned lands. By partnering with CIB, we can leverage our expertise in working with Indigenous communities and support new projects in a way we have not seen before.

Bill Lomax, President and Chief Executive Officer
Government of Canada

With this partnership, Indigenous communities will have access to financing from an Indigenous owned and led financial institution for infrastructure projects that will support economic and community growth. This marks another important step forward in advancing economic reconciliation for Indigenous Peoples across Canada.

Hon. Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities