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Kahkewistahaw Landing Infrastructure

Trade & Transportation, Indigenous Infrastructure
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
$15.4 million
(Under construction)
Kahkewistahaw First Nation

Kahkewistahaw Landing Infrastructure

Kahkewistahaw First Nation (KFN) seeks to develop Kahkewistahaw Landing as a multi-use gathering place for community, sport and business activities on designated urban reserve land in Saskatoon.

Fast facts

Increase economic self sufficiency for First Nations’ communities
Improve culturally sensitive social services needs in urban areas
Provide a cultural environment for First Nations’ members

The Kahkewistahaw Landing Infrastructure project is the CIB’s second investment opportunity under the Indigenous Community Infrastructure Initiative.

Kahkewistahaw First Nation seeks to develop the project which will house: a medical centre, commercial units, an office centre, hotel and conference centre, industrial bays and headquarters of the Saskatchewan First Nations’ provincial political organization, the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations.

An urban reserve is defined as land within a city which has been purchased on the open market by a First Nation and granted reserve status by the Federal Government.

Benefits of CIB Involvement

Our investment allows KFN to develop the urban reserve more quickly and efficiently. The investment will be used for enabling infrastructure such as road work, utilities and broadband connectivity.

Learn more

KFN Centre rendering
A drawing of a hotel as part of the Kahkewistahaw Landing Infrastructure Project
City of Saskatoon

Congratulations to Chief Taypotat and Kahkewistahaw First Nation Council and team for being the first First Nation in Saskatchewan to secure this innovative financing through the Canada Infrastructure Bank. The investment KFN is making in the City of Saskatoon is very significant for our community. We are grateful they have chosen our community for this development. As we see growing interest and capacity among First Nations to invest in large scale urban developments like this, financing solutions are needed to facilitate the required infrastructure and servicing. This CIB agreement will help ensure benefits for generations to come for both Kahkewistahaw First Nation, the City of Saskatoon and the Province. It will support opportunity and growth for everyone here.

Mayor Charlie Clark
Kahkewistahaw First Nation

Working with the CIB has been a very positive experience for us. The CIB really took the time to understand every aspect of this project and work with our team as a true partner in developing a financing model that works within our specific circumstances. We’re extremely pleased to have them as our project partner alongside the City of Saskatoon, Indigenous Services Canada, the First Nations Bank of Canada and Export Development Canada. We thank all for helping Kahkewistahaw First Nation in this step towards sovereignty.

Chief Evan Taypotat
Kahkewistahaw Economic Management Corporation

I see this financing structure as a game changer in terms of First Nations’ infrastructure project financing. The missing link for Indigenous community led major projects, has always been a good mechanism to allow for financing the underlying infrastructure which has hindered the progress of many First Nation’s projects based on the issues surrounding on-reserve lending. The CIB’s financing is a very elegant model that addresses these issues and I believe will be a major catalyst for the development of many First Nations infrastructure projects across Canada.

Chris Sicotte, Board Chair