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Ontario Rural Broadband

$1.3 billion
(Under construction)
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

The CIB is collaborating with internet service providers, provincial and federal governments to accelerate the delivery of large-scale broadband projects in Canada

The CIB’s financing, in addition to grant funding announced by the Province of Ontario and Government of Canada, targets better connectivity for almost 200,000 households in underserved Ontario communities.

Fast facts

Deliver fast and reliable broadband service to underserved regions
Support all communities economically, in health care, education, emergency services and more

The communities which will benefit from new broadband connectivity will be announced when investment agreements are finalized in the coming months.

Benefits of CIB Involvement

Due to the low population density and current lack of broadband infrastructure in rural Ontario, the cost of connection per household is very high. The CIB’s low financing rates will allow broadband connectivity to expand at a quicker pace and lower cost to implement.

Learn more

Fibre optic cables and a server.