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MD of Acadia and Special Areas Irrigation

Trade & Transportation
Southeastern Alberta
Project Acceleration
Government of Alberta, MD of Acadia, Special Areas Board

Increase primary crop production, water security and storage capacity

The CIB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Alberta, Municipal District (MD) of Acadia and Special Areas Board to examine the region’s potential for irrigable land.

Fast facts

Increase irrigated acreage and primary crop production
Improve water use efficiency and increase water storage capacity
Enhance water security

A joint feasibility assessment will determine whether there is an opportunity for investment in large scale, greenfield irrigation infrastructure. Some key indicators under review include potential project scale, environmental, social and economic impacts as well as capital costs, delivery infrastructure and water availability.

New irrigation infrastructure can increase primary crop production, water security and storage capacity.

Benefits of CIB involvement

Agricultural sector growth can face obstacles in attracting long-term private capital to finance large projects due to the generally uncertain nature of revenues. We are using an innovative financing approach to invest in projects which face these challenges.

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Green grain plants growing in close-up